Category Archives: aging

Five Ways to Look Fabulous After 50…


I spoke to reporter Alyssa Shaffer at about what you need to do to keep in shape.

“If the legendary fountain of youth really existed, it’s a pretty good bet you’d have to bike, swim, walk, surf or stretch to reach it. “There’s an enormous amount of research that shows that the best thing by far you can do to stay healthy and vibrant is to exercise,” notes Patricia Cohen, the author of “In Our Prime: The Invention of Middle Age.” “Science shows that to whatever degree you can add movement to your life, you’ll benefit significantly.”

That’s something these five vivacious, and successful, women have discovered first hand. A few of them are recent converts to their favorite pastimes; others have been working out or playing sports for decades. But all have found that being active (and eating well) not only keeps them looking beautiful, but – more important – makes them feel happy, energetic, and in love with life. Let them inspire you to get moving….”


Should you allow yourself to get old?

Kathryn Betts Adams writes in Psychology Today:

A cartoon in a recent issue of The New Yorker shows two women in exercise clothes walking side by side. One says to the other, “I’m thinking of letting myself get old.” As a gerontologist and a woman in my 50’s, the cartoon strikes close to home. It makes me laugh and it makes me think. Are we really in a position to control our own aging? Are we at the point where aging is a choice? The cartoon is funny partly because it is so audacious that some middle-aged women with enough money, time and determination actually believe that it’s possible to prevent their own aging. But it’s also funny because so many age-concealing, “age-defying” options are now open to those with sufficient money and time that we might feel apologetic about looking, feeling, or even just being, “old.”